This Site will Make You FAMOUSZ!!!!one111one

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Interestingly enough, there is a scam running out of the state of MI. There is a website that offers a subscription of $39 a year to get access to “’exclusive” casting calls!’ They will also give you a profile page with OMGZ!! INTERWEBZ INNOVATION! 24/7 visibility and uh “access” to some more “premier” casting calls.

But what good is having such an amazing interwebz innovation of 24/7 visibility if no one sees it?  According to, a web information tracking service, this website is not in the top 100,000 websites in the united States, thus is not even tracked daily. Also, it’s traffic is dropping for the week. It’s Alexa website rating is 964,026. Not even in the top 1,000,000 websites. It is ranked 129,544 in the United States. It’s reach, which is kind of important if one is advertising visibility is dropping throughout the week. Down nearly 20%. Ironically, according to Alexa, the big driver to the site was Red Dawn, which of course did it’s extras casting internally and other parts were given by other reputable sources. But on it’s own these numbers mean nothing.

What about another scammer: Exploretalent?

Unfortantely, it is in the top 100,00-0 sites and does have it’s daily page views tracked. It’s Alex Rating is 15,997. Very far up and away from Michiganacting who are advertising the same service. Unlike Michigan Acting, people are specifically searching for Exploretalent which I will say right now: DO NOT DO! It is also ranked 3,582 in the United States. Again, the casting calls have been known to be stolen from reputable websites and changed around. I really hope Michigan Acting is not doing the same. Because Michigan Acting is such a new site, there are no reviews as of yet. However, I have never read a story where someone bought a membership to the site and got a legit job from it.

So what about a legit site? Like ActorsAccess?

Well, unfortunately, Actors Access ranks below Explore Talent in page views and rankings.  Ranked at 26,671 by Alexa and 5,444 in the United States. However in this case page views do not matter because you know that real people are going to be seeing your submissions and they actually can make a difference in your career.

So I hope that you guys remember the number one rule: If it cost money and if you never heard of it, it’s a scam!

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Anonymous said...

Hey there PJ, before you spend any money on more audition opportunities, head on over to the fabolous website that is here:

Save yourself time and money, get some real insight and direction in your life. They even do for free these fabolous web tele semminars that have rocked my world:

Though you said if you haven't heard of soemthing it's a scam, I can assure you they are NOT. They have been assisting performers (fromtheir website) for 10 years and I know about 30 actors and a few dancers who are loving what they have in their Performer Track tool and their Performernation newsletter.

Only you can make you famous. But I think you wrote this because of it.

A tip for you. I see some blogs here: maybe they'll add you ---just sharing.


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