Charlie's Talent Agency, Curt Howe, Chad Oliver Rip Off, Scammers, Harassers, Bullies

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Hey everyone,

Just wanted to let you know, that if you sign up to the agency, they will tell you "they only work on big things" then passively aggressively push you to do non paying work. All the while, they will blow smoke up your ass and tell you all these films that are casting. However, instead of actually getting you auditions like other REAL talent agencies, they'll throw a fucking party. Unlike other talent agencies that expanding and getting articles written int he newspaper about them, these talent agencies take all day long trying to shut me up. They spend all day combing the internet looking for any mention of themselves so they can bully whoever mentioned them since they do not want people to know what big douchebags they are. So instead of getting you auditions, they will post anonymous comments, create fake e-mails, and stalk you.

Also, even better news! They are currently being investigated by the Michigan/Pennsylvania S.A.G.!


They weren't in there before ;)

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Anonymous said...

Keep talking. One day you'll say something intelligent.

PJ Edwards said...

The last comment was from which is in Highland Park, Illinois. They used a Firefox 3.6 on a MacOSX CPU. That's also where Chad Oliver and Charlie's Talent Agency is located.

PJ Edwards said...

You got caught Red HANDED!

Chad Oliver

Charlie's Talent Agency
Corporate Office
1350 Old Skokie Rd Ste 201
Highland Park IL, 60035
Office: 847-831-8833
Fax: 847-831-4647

Chad Oliver said...

I'm sorry PJ, this is Chad Oliver and I use a Gateway and IBM laptop with internet Explorer. And that's not my computer ID either..Nice try.

Chad Oliver said...

To Whom may be reading these postings:ALSO POSTED ON HIS SCAM REPORT.

I'm Chad Oliver-Owner of Charlie's Talent Agency. As you can see from the ridicules postings of slander, false assumptions, harassment, False Emails, etc the list goes on by PJ Edwards. We have taken the proper legal steps to correct this individual and his actions and yes we have also made sure SAG, BBB and the Attorney General and of course our legal side know of his actions.

Michigan is an up-in-coming state for production projects and this individual had 3 auditions in 5 months (1 was a national commercial). He also slandered 2 local casting agencies as he stated the auditions were "bull-shit" and they also are aware of his postings. We have only spoken to PJ ONCE only after we found his first postings of slander but because of recent findings by his mother of his mental condition we at Charlie's Talent felt this is still no excuse for his actions and we are still taking the proper steps.

As ALL of you know you we do not create the projects, we give every opportunity that's available but as the projects come in we do not always know what roles are available. As an agency, we can only submit our talent that fit that specific role which reflects on our abilities to casting and production; and it's unfortunate PJ just didn't fit many of the roles. We suggested to him not to do this full-time but again it was his choice to be a full-time actor and this was the outcome. As you all can see his posting are irrelevant to "Scams", or whatever else he claims.

And by they way, I use Internet Explorer with a Gateway and IBM Laptop Computer in the office and that is not my computer number either....

If anyone has any questions or concerns in this matter they can contact my office anytime.

Chad Oliver

Charlie's Talent Agency
Corporate Office
1350 Old Skokie Rd Ste 201
Highland Park IL, 60035
Office: 847-831-8833
Fax: 847-831-4647

PJ Edwards said...

That's really funny because keeps coming onto my site and posting comments.

You searched "Charlie's Talent Agency" find this page.

You are using Comcast Cable.

You are in Highland Park.

You are NOW using IE 8.0 and WinXP. I assume the MacOSX is your work CPU.

But the same IP that left the anonymous comment is now leaving the "Chad Oliver" comment. So, uh thanks for proving my point!

Robert T said...

Charlies Talent is a quack and sham eek

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